There are a few YouTube channels that I subscribed to when I was first exploring EVs and related technologies. In no particular order, these are the ones that I still watch fairly consistently:
Very professionally produced channel, presented mainly by Robert Llewellyn, though there have been segments recently from Jonny Smith. While the show covers a lot of EV related topics, they also cover other topics or interest to those with an interest in sustainability and the environment.
2. EV Opinion
Another good channel with a mix of topics from EVs to sustainable lifestyle & the environment. Recent videos looking at the history of specific EVs have been well researched and are something I have not seen other channels produce. Often presented as a video blog (aka vlog) from his EV while he drives around running errands, or just sitting on his sofa at home, the channel is less formal than Fully Charged, but every bit as interesting.
This one is a little more focused on the Nissan Leaf, although recent videos have also included coverage of other EVs (including the Renault Zoe, Renault Twizzy and, of course, Teslas) and many of the topics are applicable to all EVs.
We are experimenting with adding a vlog too, though we only have the “pilot” episode in place right now. In an attempt to be a little different, and because we had the camera already, the videos are in 360º format, taken from our EV as we run errands around our home town here in California.
Expect to see some more of these over the coming weeks as we sort out editing software for the 360º format and better sound recording options (the microphones in the camera do not do a great job at all; the audio in the pilot was recorded via the car’s bluetooth connected to an iPhone).
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